Sunday Column: Characters & Colours

Characters & Colours: Laura’s Tita & Her Power To Transfer Emotions Through Food

Literary Character: Tita de la Garza Book: Like Water for Chocolate (1989) As India celebrates Daughter’s Day today, I am…

September 27, 2020

Characters & Colours: When A Traveller Outpaces Time & Lands In The Future

The term ‘time machine’ coined by H G Wells, whose birth anniversary is on September 21, has been commonly used…

September 20, 2020

Characters & Colours: Of COVID-Induced Isolation & A Marooned Robinson Crusoe

With Khurda of late reporting the highest number of COVID-19 positive cases in Odisha on Saturday, I began thinking of…

September 13, 2020

Braithwaite: A Teacher Who Made A Difference

Flooded with wishes yesterday on Teacher’s Day (Sept 5), my imagination conjured up the image of a teacher like Mr.…

September 6, 2020

Can Man Create Man? Human Ambition Lives In Frankenstein

On the birthday of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Aug 30), I cannot help but remember her most popular creation Victor Frankenstein.…

August 30, 2020

To Behave Like An Uncle Tom; Why An Insult?

Today, on International Day for the remembrance of slave trade and its abolition (August 23), my mind wanders off to…

August 23, 2020

Tagore’s Gora: Where Humanism Triumphs Over Fanaticism

On the occasion of 74th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said economic growth and development should be the focus…

August 16, 2020

Madame Bovary: The Recipe Of A ‘Perfect’ Literary Character?

Emma Bovary, widely known as Madame Bovary, is perhaps one of the most popular literary characters created by French writer…

August 9, 2020