
20 Terms That Sum Up Modern Dating Dictionary

Saumik Satpathy

Ever felt like you need a whole dictionary to navigate the complexities of modern dating? Well, you’re in luck! Whether you’re a seasoned dater or a newbie, you must learn these terms to have a strong dating game.

  1. Zombieing

Just when you thought they were gone, they rise from the dead! “Zombieing” occurs when someone who ghosted you suddenly reappears like a bad sequel, acting as if nothing happened saying, “Did you forget me already?” It’s a haunting experience that can leave you wondering why they disappeared in the first place and now why are they coming back? We advise you to run like you’re being chased by a horde if you’re ever zombied!


  1. Fizzling

No dramatic endings here—fizzling is when a relationship gradually loses its spark. Conversations become shorter, enthusiasm wanes, and eventually, it just fades away without an official breakup. It’s the slow burnout of your “precious” relationship.


  1. Breadcrumbing

Think of Hansel and Gretel, but with texts. “Breadcrumbing” is when someone gives you a little bit of love and attention to keep you interested but never enough to fully commit. Just morsels of affection to string you along without any intention of taking things further, that’s cruel!


  1. Pocketing

When you’re kept hidden like a secret. “Pocketing” is when your partner avoids introducing you to friends or family, essentially keeping your relationship in their back pocket and leaving you off social media like a guilty pleasure they’re not ready to share. It’s like being the forbidden fruit of love.


  1. Orbiting

Little sister of Zombieing, less direct, “orbiting” is when someone who ghosted you lurks in the shadows of your social media, liking posts and peeking at your stories, but never daring to slide into your DMs. They’re in your orbit, close but just out of reach, keeping themselves relevant in your life. It’s healthy stalking, in short.


  1. Eclipsing

When your new partner adopts all your hobbies and interests to the point where their individuality is overshadowed. They become your shadow, absorbing your habits like a sponge on steroids, it’s not just a flattering imitation—it’s “You-2.0-itis.” It might seem flattering at first, but it can quickly feel suffocating when you start feeling like dating a clone of yours.

  1. Benching

The dating equivalent of being a backup dancer—welcome to “benching”! It’s when someone likes you but isn’t ready to commit, so they keep you on the back burner like yesterday’s leftovers. You get occasional attention, like a neglected houseplant, but never enough to flourish. They’re commitment-phobic gardeners!

  1. White Clawing

Ever found someone gorgeous and wanted to date them, only to later discover their personality and go “Eww”? This term is for those who stay in a relationship simply because the person is attractive —like the popular hard seltzer White Claw. There’s not much depth, but good looks are enough to keep things going, at least for a while.

  1. Ghosting

The classic art of disappearing. Ghosting is when your “romantic” partner suddenly cuts off all communication without any explanation. One minute you’re texting non-stop, the next—radio silence. It’s abrupt, confusing, and also quite common, leaving you wondering if they’ve been abducted by aliens.

  1. Caspering

Think of Casper as the ‘Friendly’ Ghost. Instead of disappearing abruptly, a casperer lets the other person down gently, explaining why they can’t continue the relationship before vanishing. They’ll sweetly pick you up and toss you out, leaving you wondering if rejection should come with a thank-you note.

  1. Roaching

Named after the infamous pest, roaching is when you discover your partner has been seeing multiple people simultaneously, hiding the fact that you’re not the only one. Much like finding one roach usually means there are more lurking. Discovering they’ve been entertaining a whole bunch of others while you thought you were the star of the show, it can be a nasty surprise.

  1. Cushioning

This is the act of keeping potential backup partners in case the primary or current relationship falls through. These “cushions” provide emotional support and an ego boost, serving as a safety net to soften the blow of a breakup. Smart or just sneaky?

  1. Cookie-Jarring

When someone is “cookie-jarring” you, they’re keeping you as a backup while they pursue other romantic interests. You’re the tasty backup snack, waiting on the shelf while they sample the gourmet options. Just remember, you’re not just a snack, you’re a whole dessert buffet!

  1. Situationships

More than a friendship but less than a committed relationship with a sprinkle of confusion and a dash of uncertainty. Situationships are those ambiguous, undefined relationships that fill the grey area between friends with benefits and a serious partnership. It’s complicated, to say the least. It is not a new concept, even Millennials have experienced it.

  1. Wokefishing

In the era of social justice, “wokefishing” is like putting kale in your dating profile pic—pretending to be all about health when you’re secretly a junk food junkie. It’s the art of faking progressive views to reel in partners, like a sly angler using tofu bait for a catch of the day.

  1. Untyping

After testing luck several times and repeatedly being let down by your usual type when you finally decide to taste new dishes, that is known as “Untyping”. when you start dating someone who is completely different from your usual type. It’s breaking free from your patterns and exploring new possibilities, often leading to surprising and refreshing experiences.

  1. Oystering

“Oystering is the post-breakup, freshly ‘baked’ mindset where someone is ready to dive back into the vast dating pool, eager to explore new species. They see the world as their oyster, teeming with endless possibilities for new connections.

  1. Facilidating

A word made of “facilitating” and “dating,” facilidating is when you go on dates without serious intentions, primarily to experience the dating process. It’s when you date just for the fun of it, like attending a meeting just for the free snacks. Think of it as a romantic joyride with no destination, where you’re upfront about just wanting the free samples of love, not the full meal.

  1. Ethical Non-Monogamy

ENM is the practice of engaging in multiple romantic or sexual relationships simultaneously, with the consent and knowledge of all parties involved. It’s the art of juggling multiple romances with the grace of a caffeinated octopus. It’s about being upfront, so no one’s left guessing who’s on the dinner date guest list. Think open relationships, swinging, and throuples – it’s like love, but with a twist and a lot more calendars!

  1. Love Bombing

Love Bombing Picture a romance on fast-forward, with non-stop affection, extravagant gifts, and heart-eye emojis. But beware! It’s a tactical assault of love grenades, designed to make you dependent.  Before you know it, they gain control and create dependency, often leading to emotional turmoil. you’re knee-deep in emotional quicksand, wondering if it’s love or just an overzealous cupid on steroids.


Saumik Satpathy

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