
200 KM Odisha Coast To Face Erosion By 2050: New Study

Bhubaneswar: With extreme weather conditions posing a major challenge all over, a new study has warned that more than 200 km of Odisha’s shoreline will face erosion by 2050.

Conducted by researchers from seven universities, the global study revealed that sea force is getting stronger due to a significant decline in the flow of sediment and water volume in major rivers of the state.

The researchers in their study predicted that around 45 per cent of the 480 km shoreline of the state will face erosion while 55 per cent may witness accretion in the next three decades if the trend continues.

Titled “Quantitative assessment of the present and future potential threat of coastal erosion along the Odisha coast using geospatial tools and statistical techniques”, the study identified the hotspots of erosion and sought corrective measures to deal with rapid coastal modifications.

Odisha’s coast runs across six coastal districts – Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghput, Kendrapada, Bhadrak and Balasor. The study area has seven main rivers including Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani, Subarnarekha, Budhabalanga, Rushikulya and Bahuda which deposit a huge volume of sediment into the sea.

Noting that coastal Odisha is slowly transforming into a hotspot of erosion, it said maximum erosion was detected between Pentha and Satabhaya coast in Kendrapada apart from Boxipalli and Podampeta in Ganjam betrween 1990 and 2020. It will aggravate further bringing areas along Chandrabhaga beach and Subarnarekha estuary.

The study found, Boxipalli shoreline has receded approximately by 38 metre since 1990 which is expected to increase to about 57 metre. Podampetta shoreline has moved 52.36 m since 1990 and is predicted to increase 44 m more by 2050.

In Puri, the shoreline has already receded by approximately 67 m along Baliapanda beach which is expected to intensify further. A similar trend of erosion is noticed along Chandrabhaga beach where recession has been about 68 m. Pentha beach eroded 490 m while Satabhaya shoreline migrated 210 m in the last two decades, the study said.

In Balasore district, the areas between Chandipur and Subarnarekha are also more vulnerable as both the locations have already shown erosional trend with approximately 40 m and 660 m respectively, it added.