Categories: Crime Against Women Featured Odisha

2013, When An Odisha Doctor Chopped His Wife’s Body Into 300 Pieces; Delhi Parallel in 2022

Bhubaneswar: Odisha has a parallel to the latest case of a man chopping off his live-in partner’s body into 35 pieces in Delhi, keeping them in a fridge and then disposing of them in the dead of the night.

The Odisha case was even more grisly. In 2013, a 71-year-old retired army doctor in Bhubaneswar hacked his wife to death and then chopped her body into around 300 pieces, each as small as six inches. The police found the body parts of his 62-year-old wife, Ushashri in a trunk in the house which was stinking badly. Retired Lt. Col. Dr Somnath Parida (71), the culprit, was sleeping with the airconditioner running full blast at the time of the raid. The cause of the murder remains a mystery.

Police said that the body parts dipped in preservatives had been wrapped in polythene bags. Some were placed in casseroles. A forensic officer, who visited the spot for examination of evidence, said that the lung bones of the victim had been preserved with chemicals and kept in a plastic bag in the bathroom. Police also seized a chopper, knife and two cutters from the spot. The doctor, who had been trying to fend off relatives for the past few days, confessed to the crime, it was reported at that time.

The couple had a son living in the US and a daughter in Dubai.

Media reports quoted relatives as saying that the doctor was short-tempered and flared up at the slightest provocation.

Also Read: Man Chops Partner’s Body Into 35 Pieces, Disposes Them Off Across Delhi Over 18 Days