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2103 Elephants Using Odisha’s Landscape In Winter; Marginal Rise Since Summer Census

Bhubaneswar: The elephants count in Odisha went up by 5 in last six months with the first winter census of the gentle giants putting the number at 2,103 in 38 forest divisions.

According to All Odisha Elephant Census 2024 (Winter) Report, 334 of the total 2,103 are adult tuskers, 12 adult makhnas, 678 adult females, 186 sub-adult tuskers, 4 sub-adult makhnas, 305 sub-adult females, 181 juveniles and 403 calves.

A total of 48 elephants died between the Summer census, when the count was 2,098, and Winter census 2024, it further stated.

Evidence of elephant presence were not found in 13 divisions during the three-day estimation from November 14 to 16, coinciding with their migration from adjoining states during kharif harvesting season. Traditional methods of count by direct sighting was employed during the census in 48 forest divisions across 28 districts to find number of elephants using the Odisha landscape during winter. More than 50 drones were also engaged for this field exercise, besides 1376 machans in 2032 census units.

The report said that highest concentration of elephants were found in 5 divisions of Dhenkanal (291), Keonjhar (160), Athagarh (124), Deogarh (123) and Angul (117). A significant increase in elephant numbers was noticed in Rourkela and Bhawanipatna Circle during the winter census as compared to the summer months while there was a decrease in their number in Similipal North WL, Satkosia WL, Bamra WL and Raygada, it added.

The Odisha Elephant Census 2024 report of the Forest and Environment department, released in June had pegged the total elephant population in the state at 2,098, which was 122 more than the previous count of 1,976 in 2017. Those included 313 adult tuskers, 13 adult makhnas, 748 adult females, 142 sub-adult tuskers, 6 sub-adult makhnas, 282 sub-adult females, 209 juveniles and 385 calves.

Notably, Odisha has seen a spate of elephant deaths in the recent months, primarily due to electrocution, accident and retaliatory killing.