Categories: Bhubaneswar City

7-Point Fitness Guidelines For Bhubaneswar Cops

Bhubaneswar: The Twin City Commissionerate Police has released 7-point fitness guidelines for police personnel of Bhubaneswar UPD.

“Physical health and fitness are vitally important to every law enforcement department. Besides, as a police person, there is a higher risk of physical and mental health-related issues due to the nature of hectic duty schedules. A healthy lifestyle allows one to live a full life with meaning and purpose,” the official order issued on Wednesday said.


>> Attend regular morning PT, fitness and cleanliness of their respective campus at 6 am and 4 in the evening as per the convenience of duty.

>> Attendance will be taken, and it should not be less than 80% in a month

>> Weight targets would be given and regularly monitored.

>> Physical improvement (weight target) should be recorded every fortnight.

>> Defaulters will be put up in an orderly room.

>> Stress would be given to contain the use of tobacco products and alcohol.

>> Emphasis should be on looking smart in uniform and working actively.

The fitness-related instructions have been issued for the ‘wellbeing’ of all the police personnel of UPD Bhubaneswar attached to APR, DPO, CP Headquarters, Team 60 and OSAP mobilized forces, the order added.