New Delhi: Poor reviews and controversy notwithstanding, Adipurush continues to clock box office numbers. It has earned a net collection of Rs 105 crore in its first weekend in theatres, as per Box Office India reports. Directed by Om Raut, it is a VFX-heavy film starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and Saif Ali Khan. The movie released last Friday with criticism on the dialogues – seen as lacking in elegance and gravitas, especially those spoken by Devdatta Nage as Bajrang (Hanuman).
This may have influenced ticket sales in the Hindi belt where collections have been lower than expected, according to Box Office India. Cyclone Biparjoy also kept audiences home and out of theatres in Gujarat and Rajasthan; nevertheless, reports Box Office India, Sunday ought to have shown growth in collections compared to Friday and Saturday which it didn’t. Days 1, 2 and 3 clocked about Rs 35 crore net at the box office.
T-Series, the producer reported gross earnings of Rs 340 crores at the end of Day 3.
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