New Delhi: A BJP leader in Assam allegedly committed suicide after some intimate pictures of her with another senior party politician went viral on social media. The incident took place on Friday night in Guwahati’s Bamunimaidam area. The deceased has been identified as Indrani Tahbildar, a prominent member of the state BJP. Tahbildar held the Chamber of Commerce’s vice president position, and she was also treasurer of the Kisan Morcha. IANS quoted sources as saying that Tahbildar got involved in an extramarital affair with another BJP leader who used to stay at her house as a tenant.
Some of the pictures of the alleged couple leaked online recently. It has been alleged that the BJP leader took the extreme step following her intimate pictures being made public. Speaking to IANS, DCP of central Guwahati Dipak Choudhury said: “The police are investigating the incident. It was considered an unnatural death and a probe has been launched. However, until now, we have not received any such complaints regarding the leaking of intimate pictures of the deceased with another person. But we are looking into every angle.”
Tahbildar’s body has been sent to the Guwahati Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem.
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