
British Army Bans Use Of WhatsApp; Know Why

London: The British Army has banned the use of WhatsApp.

All personnel have been directed to stop using the popular messaging service for professional purposes or else face disciplinary action.

According to The Daily Mail, a Defence ministry document confirmed the ban and stated that there were ‘significant security concerns’ around using WhatsApp.

The Daily Mail had reported last weekend that Russia was using UK mobile phone data to select airstrike targets in Ukraine.

A cruise missile attack targeting a training camp for foreign fighters was reportedly initiated after UK numbers ‘lit up’ a Ukrainian phone network covering the base. The attack reportedly killed 35 people and wounded 134.

Amid reports that Russia may be hacking WhatsApp to acquire sensitive information, the ban may be extended to government ministers as well.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Defence Secretary, Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary all use WhatApp, the report said.

WhatsApp insisted that its end-to-end encryption system was secure and it isn’t possible for governments to intercept personal messages and calls.

However, UK and US intelligence officers have reportedly intercepted WhatsApp calls and located message senders for national security purposes. They fear Russia has acquired the capability.