
Captain V. K. Narula’s Death: Bhubaneswar Will Miss Its Mighty Sardar

Bhubaneswar: Captain V. K. Narula, an eminent pillar of the Punjabi community of Bhubaneswar passed away on Monday, 17 September, of cardiac arrest. He was 79. Born in Abbottabad, in the North West Province of pre-independent India, Capt. Narula had experienced the travails of partition as a young boy.


He was an eminent personality who will be remembered for his immense contribution to the various socio-cultural and philanthropic organisations of the State. He was an erudite and well-read scholar and never let go of any opportunity to lend a helping hand to whoever needed one.


A widely travelled man, he was a Master Mariner, who, after spending two decades at sea set up the office of  J. B. Boda Marine Surveyors in the State. In the last four decades, he was instrumental in the setting up of many bodies, both professional and cultural, all of which flourished under his guidance. He was the founding member of the Punjabi Arya Sanatan Biradari, which has been rendering yeoman’s service through humanitarian work during times of distress and disaster. His leadership qualities were commendable and he inspired many who joined hands with him for the betterment of the society. A man of principles, he had a remarkable influence on those around him.


He was the former resident of the Bhubaneswar Golf Club, which came up under his aegis and is now one of the top clubs of the country. Besides being a member of the Bhubaneswar Music Circle, Bhubaneswar Club and Calcutta’s Saturday Club, he was also a Life Member of the Company of Master Mariners.


Condoling the demise, Vice Admiral S. H. Sarma PVSM (Retd) said that Capt. Narula was among the rare breed of selfless persons who believed in giving back to the community as much as he could.

A prayer meeting will be held at the Gurudwara Singh Sabha, Unit III, Bhubaneswar at 4.30 p.m. on Thursday.