COVID-19: These Areas In Bhubaneswar Declared Micro Containment Zones
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation
Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation has declared some areas in the city as micro containment zones due to concentration of COVID positive cases in the areas.
The areas declared micro containment zones are:
South East Zone
The complete building in Plot no. 84, Madhusudan Nagar, Unit IV.
The building housing Type-III, Quarter no. 31 and 32, Old AG Colony, Unit-IV, Ward No. 36.
South West Zone
Brundaban Plaza, Unit-VI, Ganga Nagar, Flat No. 506, 509 and 510, 5th Floor, Unit-VI, Unit-VI, opposite to Durga Mandap, Ward No. 52.