Photo courtesy: Twitter/PETA
New Delhi: Global animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has called out to women asking them not to have sex with men who are meat eaters. This, it feels, will help in tackling climate change.
“That’s why Peta’s proposing a strike on sex with meat-eating men to persuade them to go vegan,” it said.
The Internet has not taken kindly to the appeal.
“PETA what is wrong with you guys,” a social media user said.
“PETA has asked WOMEN to stop having SEX with MEAT eating MEN. Calling for a sex strike, PETA wrote, “Men need to take accountability for their actions. PETA’s proposing a strike on sex with meat-eating men to persuade them to go vegan.” But what about the MEAT-EATING WOMEN,” another user on Twitter said.
In a video, Dr Carys Bennett, representing PETA, stated that differences between men and women were observed in their diet. More meat intake in men meant that they had a bigger carbon imprint than women. Speaking about PETA’s sex ban campaign, Bennett said it was a “tongue in cheek” idea.