
Eat Rice With Knife & Fork Says Royal Butler, ‘No Way’ Say Indians

Ask an Odia or a person from down South to eat rice with a knife and fork and he’ll say what? The very idea is appalling. Nothing gives an Indian greater joy than mixing his daal and chawal with the fingertips and eating a mouthful!

Recently, a former butler with the British Royals kicked up a storm on Twitter after he stated otherwise. Netizens explained to him their reasons as to why eating rice with hands is way better. The Royal Butler’, who is a popular etiquette expert on Twitter posted an image of an almost finished plate of rice and tweeted how the dish is best eaten with a knife, fork or chopsticks, News18 reported.

He tweeted, “Ladies and gentlemen, remember we always use a knife and fork or chopsticks to eat rice! We do not use our hands or fingers!!!”

Here’s what netizens told him!



The expert’s Twitter bio states that he is a Royal Commentator/Aide and a former butler to Princes Charles, William and Harry.