
ECoR Set To Be Self-Sufficient As PRS Data Base Starts Functioning From Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: The Passenger Reservation System (PRS) data base of East Coast Railway (ECoR) started functioning here from February 8.

ECoR will now be self-dependent in operating all train data firing activities for trains originating from its jurisdiction, without having to depend on other Railways/Centres.

It will also make ECoR self-sufficient and avoid communication gaps in case of changes in schedule of trains and help in quickly uploading reservation requirements during introduction of new services.

Since the formation of Bhubaneswar-headquartered ECoR on April 1, 2003, data firing activities of all trains originating under its jurisdiction had been with Eastern Railway database at Kolkata.

Decentralisation of database from Eastern Railway to ECoR was authorised by Railway Board in 2014, but technical issues came in the way. The Railway Board recently accorded fresh approval for decentralisation of PRS database from Eastern Railway.

ECoR General Manager Manoj Sharma congratulated officials involved in the functioning of PRS Data Base at Rail Sadan, Bhubaneswar, with trained staff operating train information firing activities.