New Delhi: Esha Deol took to her social media and shared a photo from her wedding and said that she loved her father (Dharmendra) unconditionally. She posted this hours after Dharmendra penned a note for Hema Malini and their daughters Esha and Ahana Deol saying that he “could have spoken personally to you but…”, His note came a few days after the wedding of Karan Deol, Sunny Deol’s son, which Hema Malini and her daughters didn’t attend.
Esha wrote, “Love you papa . You are the best. Love you unconditionally & you know that . Cheer up & always be happy & healthy. Love u 😘🧿.” She also shared a photo featuring parents Dharmendra and Hema Malini, and husband Bharat Takhtani.
Earlier, Dharmendra shared a photo with Esha on his social media and wrote “Esha, Ahana, Hema and all my darling kids ……loving Takhtanis and Vohras l love you and respect you all from the core of my heart……age and illness is telling upon me I could have spoken personally to to you ……..but”.
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