
Experimental Preparation Of ‘Mahaparasad’ Completed, Rate Chart To Be Finalised Soon

Puri: The Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) will hold a discussion with Suar Mahasuar Nijog before finalising the rate chart of ‘Mahaprasad’ (cooked offerings), which was prepared on an experimental basis at Kotha Bhoga Rosasala of Jagannath Temple here on Tuesday.

Expenditure on raw materials, including wood, ‘handi’ (pot), water and labour used for preparation of the food items will be taken into account while finalising the rate chart.

“After a discussion on the ‘Mahaprasad’ preparation, we will put up the rate chart at Ananda Bazaar. We have noted down the prices of all raw materials used for today’s cooking. A guideline will also be issued on the quality of rice and dal to be used for preparing the  ‘Mahaprasad’. All unauthorized persons will be driven out of Anand Bazaar. This part of the administrative reforms,” said SJTA chief administrator Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra.

However, no deadline has been fixed for it, he said, adding that the rate of different ‘handis’ (pots) will also be decided.

A decision to this effect was taken at a meeting held between district collector Jyoti Prakash Dash and Suar Mahasuar Nijog the previous day.

A meeting was also held to discuss ‘ticket darshan’ system. The managing committee has been asked to submit a report on it after a discussion with the sevayats. The time limit for ‘ticket darshan’ was discussed.

The meeting also discussed ‘Pahili Bhoga’ (first offering to the sibling deities) to be available from December 16 to January 13, informed Mohapatra. 

Starting Dhunu Sankranti, ‘Mahaprasad’ becomes more attractive and sought after during the month-long festivity. The menu list becomes large with addition of various mouth-watering dishes. Cakes made of black gram and curd-based preparations are added to the menu during this period.

During this period, bhog is available early. This early day meal is known as ‘Pahili Bhoga’, which is offered to the deities soon after the breakfast.

Published by
OB Bureau