New Delhi: Social media users were amazed on Wednesday on seeing a 30-second video showing a giant Moon eclipsing the Sun, supposedly from the Arctic. In the viral video, the Moon appears at a very close distance from the surface of the Earth, before eclipsing the Sun and causing a moment of darkness, and fades below the horizon.
Among the many users who shared the video claiming it to have been shot in the Arctic between the territorial claims of Russia and Canada, was Inspector General of Odisha Police Amitabh Thakur. Although he has deleted the post, it had been retweeted over 3,000 times and had nearly 10,000 likes, The Print reported.
The world witnessed a cosmic event called a super blood moon on Wednesday night when a full lunar eclipse coincides with a supermoon — when the Moon appears brighter and closer to Earth. As the Moon moves fully into Earth’s shadow, it appears to turn red for about 15 minutes.
The fact is that….
the video is computer generated.
It appears to be an animation made by a user, Aleksey___nx, on TikTok. The artist also recently made a “UFO over the moon” video, which went viral and was shared by high-profile users and media outlets, The Print reported.
Here are the plain facts:
The Moon has an average distance of 238,000 miles (382,900 km) to the Earth. However, its orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle and at times it is particularly close. At perigee (the closest point), the Moon comes as close as 225,623 miles (363,104 kilometers). At apogee (the farthest point), the Moon is 252,088 miles (405,696 km) away.
During full moons or blood moons, many photographers zoom into the Moon against a distant object in the foreground, so that it appears bigger in comparison to buildings or trees.
In the current video…
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