New Delhi: An FIR has been filed against the makers of The Kapil Sharma Show in the district court of Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh for airing an episode where the actors were shown to be drinking on the stage while performing a courtroom scene. The complainant alleged that the actors disrespected the court.
The lawyer from Shivpuri has filed an FIR in the CJM’S Court. The case will be heard on October 1. “The Kapil Sharma Show aired on Sony TV is very sloppy. They also make lewd comments on women. In one of the episodes, a court was set up on the stage and the actors were seen drinking alcohol in public. This is contempt of court. That’s why I have demanded registration of FIR against the culprits under Section 356/3 in the court. Such display of sloppiness should be stopped,” the lawyer was quoted as saying by India Today.
Sony TV aired an episode on January 19 last year and had a repeat telecast on April 24, 2021. According to the lawyer, the episode shows a character under the influence of alcohol in a courtroom setting. This has brought disgrace to the court, he said.
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