New Delhi: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has not explained why the launch of the first test for the Gaganyaan human space flight mission was held just seconds before the scheduled launch.
All that ISRO chief S Somnath said from the Mission Control Centre was, “Engine ignition has not happened in the nominal course due to an anomaly. We have to find out what went wrong.”
“What has happened is that the ground support computer doing this function has withheld the launch in view of the anomaly observed,” the space agency’s Chairman said.
Test Vehicle D1 mission was scheduled for a lift-off from the first launch pad at 8 am which was revised to 8.45 am. But just 5 seconds before the launch, the countdown stopped. ISRO has said that they have identified the cause and will now attempt a launch at 10 am.
The test vehicle mission is the predecessor to the Gaganyaan programme which aims to send humans into space on a Low Earth Orbit of 400 for three days and bring them safely back to Earth. The first test, which could not be conducted today, will look at the efficacy of the crew escape system, which can be used to eject astronauts in emergencies. It will be followed by another test flight carrying a robot to outer space before the final manned mission takes place.
“Before the ultimate manned ‘Gaganyaan’ mission, there will be a test flight next year, which will carry Vyommitra, the female robot astronaut,” Union Minister Jitendra Singh said.
This programme will make India the fourth nation to launch a manned spaceflight mission after the US, Russia, and China.