New Delhi: During the promotion of Russo Brothers’ upcoming spy-thriller web series Citadel, Priyanka Chopra was asked about Shah Rukh Khan’s recent comment on why he doesn’t want to be in a Hollywood flick. A reporter at the SXSW festival asked Priyanka, “Shah Rukh Khan says, ‘Why should I go there (Hollywood), I am comfortable here.’” Answering the question, Indian Express quoted the Citadel actor saying, “Comfortable is boring to me. I am not arrogant, I am self-assured. I know what I am doing when I walk onto a set. I don’t need the validation of executives. I am willing to take auditions, I am willing to work. I do not carry the baggage of my success in one country when I walk into another country.”
Priyanka went on to say that her ego isn’t bigger than the job. “I am very professional and if you ask people around me, I am known for my professionalism. I take pride in it. My father was in the military and he taught me the value of discipline. He taught me not to take the value of what you have been given for granted,” she added. She thinks she had built a legacy for herself and it’s her hard work that takes the credit. She asserted about not spending her time on anything else but just “botched the bullets and just focussed” at her job.
Priyanka and Shah Rukh have starred together in films like Don and Don 2. She made her acting debut in 2002 and it has been almost eight years since she moved to Hollywood. She gained recognition in the West after starring in the TV series Quantico. In the film front, she debuted alongside Dwayne Johnson in Baywatch in 2017 and rose to fame.
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