
INS Chilika In Odisha Organises Boat Pulling Regatta For Agniveer

Berhampur: INS Chilika organised a boat pulling regatta for first batch of Agniveer in 2024 in the sprawling lake in Odisha on Monday.

Among 12 teams, consisting of eight trainee divisions and four from Ship’s Company, Angre Division emerged as the overall champion in the competition and won the coveted ‘Cock’ trophy.

The race took place in the scenic waters of Chilika lake, with teams navigating traditional ‘DK Whalers’. Each Whaler was manned by a crew of five pullers who are rowers and one coxswain who is at the helm.

The ‘Whaler’ is a 27 feet long boat that is rowed by ‘pullers’ using 15 to 17 feet long oars. For the sea going fraternity, there is no greater competitive sporting event than the pulling regatta. This competition brings out the best in the mariners and all ships participate with enthusiasm in this event.

The competition also calls for team work and is a test of physical and mental strength of each individual puller. The pulling regatta highlights one’s determination, strength and coordination.

All station personnel cheered enthusiastically as Commodore NP Pradeep, Commanding Officer, awarded ‘The Cock’ and trophies to the winning team and the runner up teams.

The boat pulling regatta is one of the most prestigious and traditional sporting activities in the Indian Navy. The competition aims at inculcating a spirit of adventure, watermanship skills, developing mental and physical strength, endurance and fostering healthy competition and team spirit.