New Delhi: The Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, in his letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, alleged that FB employees managing important positions in India “are on record abusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and senior cabinet ministers of India.”
There have been “Multiple instances recently where Facebook has been used by anarchic and radical elements whose sole aim is to destroy social order, recruit people and assemble them for violence. However, we are yet to see any meaningful action against such elements. Is this action also held back by the same vested interest groups who have an incentive in stoking political violence and instability in India?” Ravi Shankar Prasad wrote, according to NDTV.
The Information and Technology (IT) minister said he had been informed that in the run-up to the 2019 election, “There was a concerted effort by the Facebook India management to not just delete pages or substantially reduce their reach but also offer no recourse or right of appeal to affected people who are supportive of the right-of-center ideology”.
The Union Minister referred to media reports on the particular issue that the Facebook India team including the managing director and many senior officials belong to a particular political ideology.
Meanwhile, officials of Facebook India have been asked to appear before a parliamentary committee to answer the question on these reports on Wednesday. The committee is headed by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor.
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