According to sources, a spat over a minor issue between two Class X students of Badaborsing Nodal High School under Gangapur police limits in Bhanjanagar led one to attack the other. The victim student, Amit Nayak was critically injured in the multiple stabbing by Subham Bhola.
Shocked by the incident, the other students of the class, who were witness to the ghastly attack that took place during the drill class, informed the teachers. The school authorities rushed the injured student to a nearby hospital and detained Subham.
It may be noted that the district had witnessed am alarming rise in juvenile crime in 2019. Police had busted a gang of 30 members, all under the age of 18, who used to kidnap minors and demand ransom from their families in Lanjipalli in October, 2019.
In September, Baidyanathpur police had arrested a few minors involved in two theft cases. It was found out that two of them had earlier stolen Rs 5.25 lakh from a cement shop.
One month before the incident, a house was looted of valuables including ornaments and cash by juveniles. Similarly, four motorcycles were lifted from Bada Bazaar area and burglaries reported from Goshaninuagoan school and KTM showroom near Nilakanthanagar.
According to government data, 89 minors were arrested for their involvement in various crimes in Berhampur police district between 2016 and 2019.