New Delhi: In her latest double-meaning jibe, Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut has alleged that Punjabi actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh supported Khalistanis amid the police crackdown against Khalistani leader Amritpal Singh. Kangana took to her Instagram Stories to warn Diljit against supporting Khalistanis, even as she told him “pols aa gayi pols”. The phrase ‘pols aa gayi pols’ (police have arrived/ police are chasing us) has been viral on social media since March 18, when Punjab Police launched the crackdown on radical Sikh preacher and Khalistan supporter Amritpal Singh, and his aides.
Kangana shared a post from Swiggy India on her Instagram Stories and Twitter account. The post shows a variety of pulses with “pulse aagai pulse” written on it. She tagged Diljit in her tweet and wrote “just saying”. On Instagram Stories, she wrote, “Diljit Dosanjh ji pols aagai pols.”
In another Story, she wrote, “All those who supported Khalistanis remember next number tumhara hai, pols aa chuki hai, yeh woh waqt nahi hai jab koi bhi kuch bhi karta tha, desh ke saath gaddari ya tukde karne ki koshish ab mehengi padegi (Remember next up in you. The police is here. One cannot do whatever they wish to anymore. Betraying the country or wanting to destroy it will cost you big time).”
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