New Delhi: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge launched a scathing attack on Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar on Wednesday, alleging that the Vice-President of India was the “biggest reason for disruption in Parliament.”
A day after INDIA bloc Opposition parties submitted a notice to bring a motion in Rajya Sabha for the removal of Vice-President Dhankhar for his conduct as chairman of the Upper House, Kharge accused Dhankar of “partisan behaviour” as a result of which “politics has taken precedence over rules” in the House.
“Since 1952, no resolution has been brought under Article 67 as VP never indulged in politics: Kharge, who is the leader of the opposition in Rajya Sabha, said according to PTI.
“Politics has taken precedence over rules in the Rajya Sabha; chairman has indulged in partisan behaviour,” Kharge alleged. Kharge also claimed that the Rajya Sabha chairman’s conduct is contrary to the post’s dignity as he targets Opposition leaders and often praises the government.
“He acts like school headmaster, gives sermons to experienced Opposition leaders, stops them from speaking,” Kharge alleged.
No business could be conducted in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday due to ruckus by the MPs on several issues, including the No Confidence motion against Dhankar.
This is the first time that a notice for bringing a motion to remove the Vice President has been moved in the Rajya Sabha. A 14-day notice has to be given and it should be approved by the Deputy Chairman before the motion is taken up.
Notably, Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge, Congress Parliamentary Party chairperson Sonia Gandhi and the floor leaders of various opposition parties are not among the signatories to the notice, the sources said.
Notices for removal of Lok Sabha Speaker have been submitted earlier, but this is the first time a No Confidence motion is being sought none against the Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman.
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