A Kolkata man living in Italy has been in the news after photos of him decked up in a saree and with makeup has gone viral. The man, Pushpak Sen posted photos of himself wearing a green saree draped nicely, red lipstick and perfect eye makeup. Pushpak, posted the photos on his Facebook account on Bengali New Year on April 15 with the caption, “Casually wore a sari, doused myself in makeup, clicked pictures, YET while peeing after the photo shoot, I found my d*** perfectly in place and in perfect condition.”
Causually wore a sari, doused myself in makeup, clicked pictures, YET while peeing after the photo shoot, I found my…
Posted by Pushpak Sen on Thursday, April 15, 2021
Pushpak got many encouraging comments on his photos. While one called the photos ‘Eyebrow raising moment of the day’, another one said he looked ‘stunning’. Another person commented, “You look so stunning! And the caption, crush’em hardddddd.”
Harry Styles
Pop singer Harry Styles appeared in a flowing dress over a jacket during a photo shoot last year. Styles had said that he loved playing dress-up since childhood and had been inspired by British icons like David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, John Elton who experimented with their looks.
Deep Pathare
I decided I would be what they said I couldn’t. Stop labeling and start living, reads his Instagram account. He is a beauty influencer known for his stunning and fierce makeup looks. Appreciated by his audience due to his confidence, he comes up with creativity and beauty in each new post.
Shantanu Dhope
Shantanu Dhope uses his face as a canvas to create marvellous art with vibrant colours. He slams the patriarchal thought that boys cannot wear makeup
Shakti Singh Yadav
Shakti Singh Yadav is a lifestyle and beauty influencer on social media who also promotes makeup positivity among men. By promoting that makeup has no gender, he preaches that male grooming is important, reports SheThePeople.
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