New Delhi: The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have been adjourned on Friday (today), the second day of the ongoing Monsoon session of Parliament. The Lok Sabha was adjourned till 12 pm, minutes after proceedings began. There was a ruckus in both Houses over the law and order situation in Manipur. Meanwhile, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said that the government was ready to discuss the Manipur issue. “I had said this in the All Party Meeting and I reiterate this in the Parliament that we want a discussion in the House over Manipur. But I see that there are a few political parties that unnecessarily want to create a situation here so that the discussion on Manipur can’t take place,” he said.
Meanwhile, even as shock and outrage swept the country over the video of two women being paraded naked in the violence-hit state, Manipur Chief Minister N Biren will stay, according to news reports. Many on social media, including the Congress, have demanded the Chief Minister’s removal, alleging massive failure in governance.
In another development, hours after his arrest, the house of Huirem Herodas Meitei, the prime accused in the sexual assault case was set on fire by a group of women in his village, The Indian Express reported. The 32-year-old Herodas, hailing from Pechi Awang Leikai village, is the prime accused among the four people who were arrested for parading naked and sexually assaulting two women from the Kuki-Zomi community on May 4 in Thoubal district of Manipur. The identities of the other three are yet to be disclosed.
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