
Mechanical Street-Sweeping To Start From October

Bhubaneswar: The much-awaited mechanical sweeping in the city will start from the first week of October.

As the historic Temple City is gearing up for hosting its biggest ever international sporting event, the Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup-2018 from November 28 to December 16, the city will be cleaner ahead of the international hockey tournament.

The modern technology would ensure the management of suspended particulate matters (SPM) as the machines would use vacuum technology so that they can reduce the SPM level. This would also help in reducing respiratory diseases.

The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC), after finalising tenders for an 80-km stretch in the city in two packages, has awarded the work to M/S Pro Power Sweepers Private Ltd and M/S Lion Services Private Ltd (JV) under Package-I of 37 km and M/S United Air Express under Package-II of 43.5 km.

As per the provisions, the operator has to deploy at least two mechanical sweeping machines and shall ensure that the work of cleaning be undertaken preferably during the night hours i.e. between 10 pm and 6 am when traffic density is minimum.

However, depending on the requirement, these timings, the BMC can change these timings.

Manual sweeping will also be carried out along with mechanical sweeping during the night hours to ensure cleaning of the major roads. The corporation will also be responsible to carry out cleaning of construction and demolition (C & D) waste and deposit it at the respective sites near Pokhariput and Patia, besides depositing the normal waste at the temporary transit station (TTS) near Sainik School.

Road survey for debris will be carried out in a mobile inspection van once in a day by the operator. The operator shall ensure removal of the waste within six hours after being brought to its notice.

As per the scope of the work described in the tender, the operators have to ensure cleaning of signages, street furniture and statues along with the mechanical and manual sweeping work.