
Naveen Launches Projects Worth Rs 231 Crore In Puri & Nayagarh Dists

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patanik on Friday launched projects worth Rs 231 crore in Puri and Nayagarh districts under the state government’s “Ama Odisha, Nabin Odisha” scheme.

Naveen launched 4,130 projects worth Rs 134 crore in 6 Assembly constituencies in Puri district and 2,924 projects with an estimated cost of Rs 97 crore for 4 constituencies in Nayagarh. Each panchayat in the two districts would get Rs 50 lakh under the scheme.

Speaking on the launch of these projects through video-c0nference from Bhubaneswar, Naveen said the scheme aims at developing rural infrastructure leading to accelerated growth and promoting Jagannath culture and traditions.

“The scheme is a fusion of our traditional culture and modern technology. It would ensure development of every village in the state,” he said.

Stating that development of digital infrastructure is another objective of the programme, the chief minister said, “It would ensure internet connectivity to villages. As a result, the facility of online banking transanctions will be available in rural areas. Works hub for skill development of the youths, farmers and women would facilitate income growth also,” he added.

Secretary (5T) VK Pandian coordinated the programme which was attended by several ministers and MLAs.