New Delhi: Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor became parents to a baby girl today. The actors confirmed the news minutes after it was broken by Ranbir’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni on Sunday, November 6. In a post on Instagram Stories shared on Alia’s account and signed by both the new parents, they called it ‘the best news of our lives.’
Alia shared a picture of a lion and lioness with a little cub, cuddling together. The accompanying text read, “And in the best news of our lives : Our baby is here.. and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love – blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!!!!” The note was signed with ‘love love love’ by both Alia and Ranbir.
Alia was admitted to the Reliance Hospital, Girgaon in Mumbai on Sunday morning. Ranbir Kapoor was by Alia’s side as they arrived at the hospital in their cars. Their family, Alia’s mother Soni Razdan and Ranbir’s mother Neetu Kapoor reached the hospital soon after.
Ranbir’s sister Riddhima Kapoor confirmed the news. Speaking to Hindustan Times, Riddhima said, “In France right now, but can’t wait to see the newborn! We are all very excited! Mom will FaceTime me the minute she sees her.”
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