
Odisha Begins Online Admission Of Class 11 Students, Know Guidelines

Bhubaneswar: The admission process for first year students of Plus-II for the 2021-22 academic session in Odisha has started.

Candidates can now take admission into Class 11 of higher secondary schools in the state under the Council of Higher Secondary Education (Odisha), according to a notication issued by the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education on Wednesday.

The admissions will only be conducted online (e-Admission) under the Student Academic Management System (SAMS) project. Offline admissions is strictly prohibited, the HSE said.

It also directed the students not to apply through any private agency or agent. The students should not give their documents to any agency, it added.

The other guidelines are,

  1. Online application for admission into Class 11 (First Year) of Arts, Commerce, Science, Vocational and Sanskrit (Upashastri) streams will be notified on the website https://samsodisha.gov.in along with some Odia and English daily newspapers.
  2. To get e-admission related information, applicants can refer to the “Common Prospectus” that will be available on the website https://samsodisha.gov.in.
  3. The students, parents and general public are requested to read the “Common Prospectus” thoroughly prior to filling and submission of the on-line Common Application Form (CAF). Particularly, last year’s cut-off marks of different Higher Secondary Schools and the percentage of mark secured by their ward should be kept in mind while selecting the Higher Secondary School choice options. A warning in this respect will be flashed on the screen.
  4. To apply online, one has to register in the SAMS portal with her/ his mobile number. Own mobile number is necessary as all the admission/examination related information shall be sent to the registered mobile number only during the entire academic period.
  5. Apply and select Higher Secondary School of your choice by yourself. Never let others to apply on your behalf.
  6. Please check the fee structure of the Higher Secondary Schools (from the SAMS website portal profile) while adding it to your choice of preference.
  7. Claim of any reservation/weightage or both, requires possession of authentic supporting documents. Non-submission of authentic document at the time of admission leads to rejection of admission.
  8. If an applicant desires to avail slide up option after taking admission in a lower choice of preferred Higher Secondary School, then she/he has to submit “Slide up Request” form through online in his / her registered login on SAMS Portal (http://samsodisha.gov.in.) The process will be authenticated through OTP sent to the registered mobile number of the applicant.
  9. The applicants may take advantage of paying CAF fee through Bill desk payment gateway which is UPI friendly.
  10. Candidates failed in Mathematics or don’t have Mathematics subject in HSC level are not eligible to apply for Science and Commerce. They are only eligible for Arts and Sanskrit.