Categories: Odisha OPINION Wildlife

Odisha Govt To Snap Power Supply To People Laying Electric Trap For Wild Animals

Bhubaneswar: In a step towards preventing poaching of wild animals through electric trap, the Odisha government has decided that the power supply to such people would be disconnected.

Announcing the decision in the Assembly on Wednesday, Deputy Chief Minister KV Singhdeo said the government was highly concerned about the death of wild animals due to poaching over the years. Preservation of wild animals was high on the agenda of the government, he added.

He further said it was found that most of the wild animals, particularly elephants and boars, were killed due to electric wire traps in the state. The government took the step of snapping power supply to the poachers in view of this, he added.

On Tuesday, Forest and Environment Minister Ganesh Ram Singh Khuntia had told in the Assembly that 40 elephants, 5 leopards, and 200 other wildlife species have died between July 1 and November 20 this year in the state.

Departmental inquiries have been conducted into the deaths of elephants and leopards. While 26 people have been arrested in connection with elephant deaths, 2 forest guards, and 1 forester have been placed under suspension for dereliction of duties. Similarly, 14 arrests have been made in death incidents of leopards in the state, the Minister said in reply to a question from BJD MLA Tusharkanti Behera.

Also Read668 Killed In Elephant Attacks During Last 3 Years In Odisha: Minister Informs Assembly