Categories: Government Odisha Policy & Politics

Odisha Govt To Take Action Against 196 Absentee Doctors; 5014 Vacancies In CHCs

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government will be initiating action 196 absentee doctors, Health and Family Welfare Minister Mukesh Mahaling told the Assembly on Monday.

While replying to a question by MLA Tankadhar Tripathy, the Minister informed that these doctors from various cadres in the state, including OMHS (Odisha Medical Health Service), OMES (Odisha Medical Education Service), and OHMS (Odisha Homeopathic Medical Service), have been on leave for an extended period.

In July, show-cause notices were issued to seven doctors – six assistant professors and one associate professor – of MKCG Medical College and Hospital in Berhampur for unauthorised absence from work. While three among them were absent for over five years, the remaining four were absent for 1 to 3 years. The absentees are .

To another question by BJD MLA Prashant Behera, Mahaling informed that 5,014, including 1,114 specialists, posts are lying vacant in the 375 community health centres (CHCs) in the state. The highest 450 vacancies are in Ganjam district, followed by Mayurbhanj (309), Cuttack (281) and Khurda (12). Mayurbanj has the highest 87 vacant specialist posts.  A total of 338 radiographer posts of the 655 sanctioned strength in the state are lying vacant as of January 1 this year, he further stated.

“The state government is taking steps to fill up the vacant posts of doctors and specialist doctors through the Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC),” the Minister told the House.

Process is on to fill up the vacant posts of paramedics through Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC), he added.