
Odisha Hospital Spreads Happiness, Awareness Besides Giving Medication

Sambalpur: Naktideul Community Health Centre (CHC) in Sambalpur district is in the news for all the rights reasons. It is paying attention to other details such as cleanliness and a hygienic environment that are as important as medication.

To drive home the message, the walls of the hospital have murals and paintings displaying various health and social issues.  The paintings and murals are of famous movie scenes such as Bahubali, Sholay and Zanjeer with characters sharing lessons in sanitation and hygiene..

Besides this, the CHC has a herbal garden, a water fountain, a place to hang clothes, a  place where people can sit and read newspapers and even an amusement park for children. An in-house mini vegetable farm supplies vegetables for food meant for patients. The aim is to share a positive energy with the patients that can help them in healing.

“The cleanliness and greenery attracts us to this CHC. I haven’t seen anything like this before,” said the attendant of a patient.

“The ambience of the hospital keep us happy,” said a patient.

The atmosphere of the hospital and the warmth of the staff, in a way, makes up for the shortage of doctors.

“We are trying to cover three aspects of treatment here- sushtha (healthy), swaccha (clean) and sabuja (green),” said Amulyaratna Mohanty, Medical Officer of Naktideul CHC.

Published by
OB Bureau