
Odisha HUD Dept Asks Civic Body Heads To Prepare Action Plan For Mitigation Of Urban Waterlogging In Monsoon

Bhubaneswar: Preparation of a suitable action plan for the management of flood & water logging in urban areas during the ensuing monsoon 2022 is the prime need of Urban Local Bodies, said Municipal Administration Director Sangramjit Nayak.

In a letter to Municipal Commissioners and Executive Officers, Nayak on Wednesday stated that action plan for possible mitigation of challenges during the rainy season should be prepared keeping in mind the instructions issued by the Housing and Urban Development Department for management of flood and waterlogging in urban areas during monsoon.

Nayak directed them to take up the following measures on an urgent basis.

1. Inspection: Inspection of all drains/ manholes and repair & replacement of drain cover to prevent accidents.

When there is heavy rain during the monsoon, the roads, pedestrian footpaths and drains are covered with rainwater as a result of which holes or damage on the drains particularly covered drains are not visible, for which people fall into the drain causing accidents and sometimes fatal.

Hence following actions are required to be undertaken well ahead of the onset of the monsoon:

a) 100 % verification of all drains and machine holes (both open and closed) be made within the ULB limit.
b) In case of closed drains and machine holes, it is required to check the cover and see whether those have been damaged and if there is any chance of an accident.
c) Take immediate steps to repair and cover the holes.
d) In case, it is not possible to repair the same you may put appropriate signage to caution people so that accidents can be avoided.
e) Cleaning, de-silting, maintenance of all drains

2. Drainage Clearance: Like previous years, ULBs have to take up joint verification with respective Drainage Division/ M.I Division of Water Resources Deptt. to ensure desilting & repair of all clogged/ choked drain channels before the onset of monsoon.

3. Identification of Flood spots/ vulnerable points and De-watering: Vulnerable waterlogging areas/ low lying areas are to be identified and appropriate steps be taken for discharge of water expeditiously at the time of emergency by prepositioning pump sets.

4. Eviction from drain channels:
i. Wherever there is the encroachment of drain channels which causes obstruction to the free flow of either stormwater, rainwater or wastewater, same should be demolished forthwith and channels are to be kept obstruction-free.
ii. Legal action, wherever required to be initiated against the defaulting person or institution in order to prevent them from further encroachment.

5. Avoidance of Drain Congestion
i. It is seen that a large volume of construction and demolition materials are being piled up inside the drains and on the roadside which run away through rainwater causing drain congestion. The same should be strictly monitored.
ii. De-silting materials taken out of the drains has to be removed immediately to prevent them from re-entering drains.

6. i. Polythene Menace for Drain clogging: Rampant use of polythene in urban areas is a major cause for drain channel clogging leading to waterlogging in adjacent low lying areas. This may be monitored.
ii. Enforcement of polythene ban: ULBs are to ensure strict implementation of polythene ban. Large scale raids on shops to be made to implement the ban of single use plastics.

7. Repair and Restoration: Immediate arrangements to be made for emergency repair and restoration of roads/ drains etc.

8. Fixing of screens in the drains: Installation of Bar Screens at appropriate places in the Secondary Tertiary drains and Wire mesh at the outfall for removal of Solid Waste found in stormwater may be ensured. The removed materials should be disposed of properly. Human Resource should be mapped to clear the screen while water is flowing heavily at regular intervals to avoid possible chokes.

9. Control of vector-borne diseases:
i. In the rainy season, due to flood-like situation, there may be outbreak of common vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue & Japanese encephalitis & water borne diseases like diarrhoea and jaundice. So water logging in habitation areas may completely be avoided. Proper sanitation measures are to be taken with utmost care to avert these eventualities. The required cooperation from other Departments may also be ensured.
ii. To avoid all these diseases, application of larvicides and bleaching powder in the water logging areas, cover & sealing of septic tanks & Soak pits, proper disposal of garbage, cover water container etc. are to be taken up on urgent basis.
iii. Regular fogging in the ULB areas are required to be undertaken on priority.

10. Involvement of elected representatives and ward committees: All efforts should be taken for involvement of the elected representatives and ward committees for management of flood and waterlogging in the respective areas.

11. Formation of Unified Command and Control Centre: All ULBs are requested for formation of Unified Command and Control Centre headed by the Commissioner/EO with members from other line Departments/agencies incduding Fire Services to manage the flood like situation within their jurisdiction. The line Departments may also be requested to send their representatives as member in the said centre.

Nayak has stated that unified control rooms should be active and provide all necessary assistance and coordination to public and all stakeholders in effectively managing urban flooding and other inconveniences on a war footing.

The control room will be managed by officials on roster duty basis during the operation period, the release by department.