
Odisha: Services Of 16 Trains Between Bhadrak & Kharagpur To Be Restored Tomorrow; Check List

Bhubaneswar: The train services in Kharagpur-Bhadrak section under Kharagpur division, which remained affected due to a bank slip in Odisha’s Balasore district, will be restored on Thursday.

The services of 8 pairs of trains will be restored in Kharagpur-Bhadrak section on October 12, said the Railways in a statement on Wednesday.

The services of the following trains will be restored on Thursday:

It may be noted here that the railways had cancelled, short-terminated and diverted several trains passing through Balasore following a bank slip between Balasore and Haldipada railway stations on October 4.

Due to heavy rain, large chunk of soil was washed away from under the railway track in between the two railway stations.