
Odisha’s Social Activist Imran Ali To Receive BIPF’s Shambhavi Puraskar 2023

Bhubaneswar: Dr Md Imran Ali has been chosen as the winner of Shambhavi Puraskar 2023.

Dr Imran Ali has dedicated himself for the cause of de-addiction, answer to cancer, drugs-free childhood campaign, mission on wheels for differently-abled persons. He has been working relentlessly for a tobacco-free society and substance-abuse prevention in Odisha.

Parichaya of Sambalpur has been selected for The Jury Commendation Certification 2023 for their work to help mentally challenged, rehabilitation of destitute and socially-neglected people.

Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation (BIPF) the CSR arm of IMFA Group, instituted the prestigious Shambhavi Puraskar in the year 2014, to recognise emerging social catalysts and thereby inspire more citizens to act as agents of change.

Instituted in 2014 by Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation (BIPF), the CSR arm of IMFA Group, Shambhavi Puraskar recognises those who act as agents of social change and motivate others to follow in their footsteps.

The award carries a citation and cash award of Rs 2,50,000.

The Shambhavi Jury Commendation Certification carries a citation and cash award of Rs 50,000.

The recipients will be felicitated in an award ceremony on the Foundation Day of BIPF.