New Delhi: Although it was competing with Rajnikanth’s ‘Jailer’ and Sunny Deol’s ‘Gadar2’, Akshay Kumar starrer ‘OMG2’ is all set to cross Rs 100 crore in India. For reports that labeled the film a flop, claiming that it was made on a budget of Rs 150 crore, Ajit Andhare, the COO of Viacom 18 Studios, the film’s distributor, has an answer. He dismissed these claims and stated that Akshay did not charge any fee for his role in the film. Here’s why.
Akshay took on the dual role of an actor and a producer. It is a known fact that whenever Akshay takes the role of a producer, he refrains from charging any fees. Instead, he takes a share of the film’s eventual profits.
About the budget of ‘OMG 2’, Ajit Andhare clarified in an interview with Pinkvilla, “The reports of the budget of OMG 2 are grossly exaggerated. On the contrary, Akshay didn’t charge a rupee in fee and in fact, walked alongside us in both the financial and creative risk involved in such a courageous film.”
He added, “We share a long history and understanding with him as a studio since ‘OMG’, ‘Special 26’, and ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’. I have been totally in lockstep with him in taking up scripts that are unconventional but stand for something larger and meaningful.”
Ajit emphasised that Akshay’s involvement was crucial for a film like ‘OMG 2’ and that the star was fully invested, both creatively and financially. In fact, a source quoted in the report revealed that the actual budget of the film is only Rs 50 crore.
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