
Online Booking For HSRP In Odisha: Vehicle Owners Warned About Fake Websites; Check How To Book

Bhubaneswar: The authorities have warned vehicle owners in Odisha against ‘fake’ websites claiming to provide online booking for High Security Registration Plate (HSRP).

Only dealers authorised by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) are making online bookings for HSRP, the authorities said.

Vehicle owners are requested to visit odishatransport.gov.in and click on ‘Book HSRP’ or visit siam.in to make bookings for HSRP. These websites will direct the users to authorised dealers. Home delivery of HSRPs is not available in Odisha.

Step 1: Visit www.siam.in and then fill up name, vehicle number, state, e-mail ID and mobile number etc., and select ‘I agree’. Then you will be asked to select district, vehicle type and makers name etc., and also asked to enter chassis and engine number of vehicle. Then the portal will verify the details from VAHAN automatically and if the vehicle data entered by the applicant matches with VAHAN’s database and if the vehicle RC is valid then VAHAN will allow the portal to proceed for payment and slot booking.

Step 2: Select the dealer’s location and date of fitment for HSRP.

Step 3: Make payment, money receipt will be generated.

Step 4: Take the vehicle to your selected place of fitment (carry money receipt).

Step 5: HSRP will be affixed and details of HSRP uploaded on VAHAN portal.

The Transport Department has made affixing of HSRP mandatory for all class of old vehicles registered prior to April 1, 2019.

Vehicle owners are free to choose any dealer, place and date for affixing of HSRP. There will be no penal action for not affixing HSRP for first three months i.e. till August 31, 2022.

Earlier, HSRP was made mandatory for all new vehicles registered on or after April 1, 2019. This has already been implemented in 24 states. More than 22,000 vehicle owners have made online booking for affixing of HSRP in Odisha so far.