New Delhi: While Parineeti Chopra was getting married to Raghav Chadha in India, across the border, another popular actress was preparing to tie the knot. Pakistani actress Mahira Khan got married to businessman Salim Karim in an intimate ceremony in Muree. This was the Raees star’s second marriage. The duo got married in Murree, Pakistan, in an outdoor ceremony. Videos from the wedding were shared by Mahira’s manager Anushay Talha Khan, where the actress can be seen walking down the aisle towards Salim. The groom can be seen wiping his tears as he walks towards her and lifts her veil. The video ends with the two sharing a warm hug.
The Humsafar star was seen wearing a pastel lehenga with a veil. She completed her look by wearing matching diamond jewellery. Salim complemented the bride in a black sherwani and a blue turban.
Videos from the wedding were also shared by a magazine named Niche Lifestyle. Fans flooded the comment section with well wishes for the actress. A person wrote, “That’s just graceful. Hope they find comfort.” “Awwww the groom is crying. Such men still exist,” said another fan. “Aww super cute mashAllah. Many congratulations to the happy couple,” read another comment. “She’s looking absolutely gorgeous,” read a comment.
Mahira Khan was earlier married to Ali Askari. They however parted ways in 2015. Mahira and Ali are parents to a 13-year-old son, Azlan
Mahira will be seen with Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed in the Netflix series Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo. The show is an official adaptation of Farhat Ishtiaq’s bestselling 2013 Urdu-language novel.
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