New Delhi: Even though he apologised for it, the Kolkata Police on Tuesday sent a notice to actor-politician Paresh Rawal asking him to appear before them on December 12 for his controversial ‘cook fish for Bengalis’ remark. The police have booked Rawal over his comment following a complaint by CPI (M) leader and West Bengal state secretary Mohammed Salim, who accused Rawal of making the speech “to provoke riots” and “destroy the harmony between Bengali community and other communities across the country”.
Last week, speaking at a rally in Gujarat’s Valsad, Rawal had said, “Gas cylinders are expensive, but their price will come down. People will get employment too. But what will happen if Rohingya migrants and Bangladeshis start living around you, like in Delhi? What will you do with gas cylinders? Cook fish for the Bengalis?” Rawal said. After his speech went viral and was criticised, Rawal had apologised.
After Salim submitted a complaint against Rawal at the Taltala police station on December 1, a case was registered under sections 153 (wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot), 153A (whoever deliberately or wantonly causes or provokes any riot), 153B (imputation, assertions prejudicial to national integration), 504 (intentional interest with intent to provoke breach of the peace) and 505 (with intent to cause, or which is likely to cause) of the Indian Penal Code, The Indian Express reported.
“…the innuendo and/or insinuation made in the speech as regards all Bengalis being foreigners and/or illegal immigrants is bound to arouse feelings of hatred, ill will amongst other communities against Bengalis. In fact, comments made on social media in regard to the said provocative post show that the said video is generating a lot of adverse opinion against Bengalis,” the complaint says. “A large number of Bengalis reside outside the limits of the state. I apprehend that many of them will be prejudicially targeted and/affected because of the vicious remarks made by Paresh Rawal,” it further adds.
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