
Police Collect Rs 15 Lakh Penalty For Drinking In Public Places In Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: A whopping Rs 90 lakh has been collected by the police as penalty for various violations, including drinking in public places, drunken driving, and other traffic violations, during October under the ‘Safe City Drive’ in Bhubaneswar.

As per the data available, as many as 3,048 people were caught drinking in public places and a fine of over Rs 15.30 lakh was collected from them during the month.

Similarly, fine amounting to Rs 72, 100 was imposed on 668 violators who were caught smoking in public places. Penalty of Rs 1,03,000 was collected from 205 people for violations under the Motor Vehicles Act. Around 1057.39 litre liquor was also seized and 34 persons were arrested in excise-related cases.

Sources said altogether 117 anti-socials were also arrested for committing various offences including extortion last month.

This apart, the Traffic wing of the Commissionerate Police also collected a hefty penalty from people for illegal parking and other violations under the MV Act, they added