Balasore: In a dramatic incident, over Rs 21 lakh allegedly stolen from a company in Hyderabad and hidden under the soil in the backyard of a house at a village in Odisha’s Balasore district was recovered by the police.
The incident was reported from Badamandurini village in Jaleswar area of the district. It is alleged that the money was stolen by a man, identified as Gopal Behera, from the private company.
Sources said Gopal was working at an agro industry in Hyderabad for the last around ten years. As per police, he was aware of the secret number and stole the money from a locker.
It was alleged that Gopal then handed over the cash to his brother-in-law who subsequently gave the money to his parents in Jaleswar and returned to Hyderabad.
Acting on the complaint lodged by the company authorities, police conducted a thorough investigation. A police team from Hyderabad visited Odisha and conducted investigation with the help of Odisha Police.
Following thorough probe, bundles of cash were recovered from the site where it was kept hidden under the soil.
Though Gopal is absconding, his brother-in-law Rabindra has been detained in Hyderabad. Police officials said that around Rs 15 lakh has been recovered from the spot.
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