
Popular Pak TV Channel Taken Off Air, Journalist Arrested; Know Why

Islamabad: Popular Pakistan television channel ARY News was taken off air and its Senior Executive Vice-President Ammad Yousaf arrested from Karachi on Wednesday.

According to ARY News, the actions were taken for the channel’s critical stand against the government and for allegedly airing “seditious” content.

They also claimed that Yousaf was arrested without a warrant from his Karachi residence.

“Police officers, along with plain-clothed personnel, forcibly entered the house of Ammad Yousaf. The raiding team diverted the CCTV cameras of Yousaf’s house, and jumped into the house from the top of the main entrance,” the channel said.

ANI reported ARY News received a notice from Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) stating that the channel was taken off air “for airing objectionable, hateful, seditious, content based on absolute disinformation with clear and present threat to national security by instigating rebellion within the armed forces with malafide intent to cause rift between govt and forces”.

The channel’s CEO has been directed to appear in person for a hearing on August 10.

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OB Bureau