
Prashant Kishor Announces Fast Unto Death; Know Why

Patna: Jan Suraaj party founder Prashant Kishor said on Thursday he was starting a fast unto death to press the demands of protesting Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) aspirants, who have been asking for cancellation of last month’s prelims and conduct of fresh exam.

Kishor, who recently joined the protesters, has alleged corruption in government jobs in Bihar. On Monday, Kishor said he had learnt of “thousands of crores of rupees having changed hands” for vacant posts to be filled up through the exam conducted by the BPSC.

“My demands include cancellation of the exam and holding of fresh tests. I also seek action against corrupt officials,” Kishor told newspersons here on Thursday.

Kishor had issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the Nitish Kumar-led government on Monday, asking for resolution of the matter, failing which the protests would be intensified. “As of now, the future of our young students should be the top priority. We can play the game of politics later,” he said.

He also asked why the CM was “silent” when “the candidates are protesting in biting cold, braving lathi charges by the police and water cannons. The CM is away in Delhi, and having a good time. He did not utter a single word when reporters in the national capital approached him with queries on the stir.”

Earlier, police used water cannons and resorted to lathi charge to disperse protesters who tried to break through barricades set up to stop them from moving towards Nitish’s residence.