New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra, who has been fiercely protective about her daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, features on the cover of British Vogue. The global star recently did a shoot for the magazine with her daughter Malti Marie, who she welcomed with her husband Nick Jonas via surrogacy last January. In the Vogue interview, Priyanka talks about her journey as a mother, her process of dealing with trolls and more.
The actress said during the interview that she has learned how to deal with trolls over the years. However, it is “painful” when the subject of trolling is her infant daughter. “I’ve developed a tough hide when people talk about me but it’s so painful when they talk about my daughter. I’m like, ‘Keep her out of it.’ I know what it felt like to hold her little hands when they were trying to find her veins. So no, she’s not going to be gossip. I’ve been really protective of this chapter of my life with my daughter. Because it’s not about my life only. It’s hers too,” the actress told British Vogue.
Priyanka spoke about her “medical complications” and added, “I had medical complications so this was a necessary step, and I’m so grateful I was in a position where I could do this. Our surrogate was so generous, kind, lovely and funny, and she took care of this precious gift for us for six months.” The Quantico actor added, “You don’t know me. You don’t know what I’ve been through. And just because I don’t want to make my medical history, or my daughter’s, public doesn’t give you the right to make up whatever the reasons were.”
Malti Marie had to be delivered preterm, a full trimester before her due date. Recalling the day Malti Marie was born, Priyanka Chopra said, “I was in the OR (operating room) when she came out. She was so small, smaller than my hand. I saw what the intensive-care nurses do. They do God’s work. Nick and I were both standing there as they intubated her. I don’t know how they even found what they needed to intubate her.” Recalling the turbulent days, Priyanka Chopra said, “We spent every single day with her on my chest, on my husband’s chest. I didn’t know if she would make it or not.”
PC shared a picture of British Vogue shoot, in which her daughter Malti Marie also features. “Another one of our many firsts together… #MM British Vogue, February 2023,” she wrote.
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