
Raid On Unhygienic Momo Factory: Severed Dog’s Head Found In Fridge!

Mohali: Offering customers sub-standard and unhygienic food is a form of crime.

One such case has surfaced in a momo and spring roll-producing factory in Punjab.

While raiding places producing food in unhygienic conditions in the Mohali region, officials of the district Health department and municipal corporation found a dog’s severed head stored in a fridge of one of the units.

This particular factory in Mohali’s Mataur village, which makes spring rolls and momos, came under the radar of authorities after they noticed a video of the place operating in extremely unclean conditions.

As they checked the place thoroughly, one of the officials discovered the head of a dog, most likely that of a pug, inside a fridge.

Cooks in the factory claimed the dog’s body parts were not used in the food that was being prepared, saying that it was being used by the unit workers who are from Nepal, India Today reported.

The Health department has launched a full-fledged investigation into the unhygienic conditions and quality of food being prepared there.

The factory used to supply more than a quintal of momo and spring rolls every day across Chandigarh, Panchkula and Kalka over the last couple of years.

Officials took samples of decayed and spoiled meat and food material found in the Mohali unit, and sent them for testing.

The severed head of the dog has also been sent to the Veterinary department to determine whether it could have been used in food products.

The Mohali Municipal corporation slapped a slaughter fine of Rs 12,000 on the factory owner, and Rs 10,000 after finding a bulk of plastic bags.

“Taking strong action against unhygienic conditions in the food unit, teams of health department and MC raided the premises on Monday,” Municipal corporation commissioner Parminder Pal Singh said.

“Other than issuing challans, we will also ascertain if such food units have trade licences for such operations in the village area and will take appropriate action against them. The main concern is to save the public from eating unhealthy food,” Singh added.