
Railways To Open Janaushadhi Kendra Outlet At Odisha’s Khurda Road Station

Bhubaneswar: The Central government will set up Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJKs) at 50 railway stations in the country including one in Odisha.

The Ministry of Railways, in a release on Friday, stated it has identified 50 stations to open the Janaushadhi Kendras on pilot basis. One of these Kendras will be set up at Khurda Road station in Odisha. These aim at making available quality medicines to the passengers at an affordable price.

The Janaushadhi Kendras would operate as passenger amenity and provide fabricated outlets. These Kendras will be set up and operated by licensees at locations identified by Railway Divisions. The outlets will be provided by e-auctioning through IREPS.

These stalls will be designed by NID Ahmedabad. Successful bidders of PMBJK outlets have to procure necessary permissions and license to run a drug store and comply with all statutory requirements for storage of drugs.