
Rajasthan Student Stopped From Taking Class XII Boards Because She’s A ‘Rape Survivor’

New Delhi:  In an upsetting incident, a Class XII student of Rajasthan was not allowed to appear for her board examinations.  In her complaint, the student alleged that the school officials told her that the “atmosphere would be spoiled” if she appeared for the exam.

However, the private school in Ajmer contends they did not give an admit card to the student as she had not attended classes for four months, NDTV reported.

According to the report, the rape incident came to the fore when the student approached a teacher at another school, who advised her to call the Child Helpline number. Ajmer’s Child Welfare Commission (CWC) has filed a case and will take necessary action after the investigation. CWC chairperson Anjali Sharma told NDTV that their priority is to ensure that the girl can take the exams she missed in March.

Her uncle and two other men had raped the student in October last year. She told Anjali Sharma that the school had then suggested that she study from home as her coming to school could “spoil the atmosphere”. She agreed and had been preparing for her board exams at home but when she went to collect her admit card, she was told that she was no longer a student of the school. She then realised that the school had barred her from entering immediately after her rape as the parents of other students objected to her presence, NDTV reported.

“When I spoke to the girl, she told me that she was dejected as she is a bright student. She had scored 79% in her class 10 board exams,” Anjali Sharma told NDTV.