
Rath Yatra: 1st Lot Of Logs From Boudh Arrives In Puri For Chariot Construction

Puri: The first lot of logs from Odisha’s Boudh district for construction of chariots for annual Rath Yatra of sibling deities of Jagannath temple in Puri arrived on Saturday.

Total 28 logs of Dharua species of tree were brought from Boudh sub-division in the district to Ratha Khala (temporary workshop for making chariots) in Puri.

Boudh district has been targeted to supply total 303 pieces of timber for construction of three chariots of the Lords for Rath Yatra (car festival) in Puri, according Forest department sources. The first lot of the targeted timber arrived on Saturday and the rest would be delivered in phases,” they said.

Earlier, 104 pieces of logs have already arrived at the Rath Khala and 81 logs sent to saw mill at Khapuria for processing.

The process for making the chariots had begun in December last year when a team of servitors went to Nayagarh to identify the wood. The first lot of wood left Dasapalla in Nayagarh district in January.

While total 865 pieces of wood are required for making the chariots, 118 pieces are in stock with the temple administration from the last year’s Rath Yatra.